GREENthirty challenge!

Inspired by my soul sista, twin cousin & yogini gangsta Josie Schweitzer… She takes whatever she’s passionate about, lights it up and the sparks spread like wild fire. I’m about to do that too… My (and Josie’s) 30th birthday is in … Continue reading

Let food be thy…

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food


This simple and deep wisdom from the father of modern medicine is what I live my life by.  I don’t depend on Western Medicine or Hospitals to take care of me if I get sick… my health insurance is eating and drinking super fresh fruits, vegetables and greens everyday.  I take care of my body, by feeding it clean-burning fuel so that I can operate on a high frequency, with natural vitality and energy and stay healthy and feel good.  I want to be as healthy as I can be so I can share with others how they can be empowered to super-charge their health. It’s pretty simple really… Eat organic, fresh, local live foods to maintain a healthy body.

Guest Chef Dinner at Solstice Wood Fire Cafe, Bingen, WA, February 4th, 2013


Organic Raw Vegan Menu

Thai Coconut Winter Squash Soup with coconut Creme Fraiche & Cilantro Oil

Citrus Marinated Curly Kale with Beet Gastrique, Verde Sauce & Mashed Root Vegetables Topped with Cayenne Pepitas

Pizza Course
Live Cremini Pizzetta- Balsamic Tamari Braised Hood River Organic Cremini Mushrooms, Sun dried Tomato Sauce, Herbed Almond Cheese, fresh Basil & Lemon Zest

Sweet Raw Truffle Trio
*Maca Macadamia
*Goji Fire
*Caramel Bliss