GREENthirty challenge!

greensInspired by my soul sista, twin cousin & yogini gangsta Josie Schweitzer… She takes whatever she’s passionate about, lights it up and the sparks spread like wild fire. I’m about to do that too…

My (and Josie’s) 30th birthday is in 30 short days! I can hardly believe it but I’m feeling the healthiest of my life and couldn’t be more stoked to hit the big 3-0.
My passion for health & wellness is stronger than ever and nothing makes me happier than sharing that with loved ones and everyone who comes across my path.
As a Raw foodie, eating my greens comes darn pretty natural to me, but I know that some people may need a little boost or inspiration to reach their daily green quota, so here it is!
For the next 30 days, I cordially invite you to get your green on in whatever way you like: green smoothies, juices, wheatgrass shots, kale chips, chlorella tablets, green powders, or just plain ‘ol salads- you pick your medicine… Just eat something GREEN with every meal, everyday for the next month, and I promise you will thank me and thank yourself. See, after 30 days it will become a welcomed part of your daily regime {if it isn’t already} You’ll enjoy overall improved health and live a longer more vibrant life.
I’ll be posting photos, recipes, and words of green wisdom on facebook & instagram and I hope you will too– We can inspire & support each other- be sure to use the hashtag #GREENthirty
Help me celebrate entering my 30’s with a clean and GREENthirty!

Now go out there and get your green on and have fun with it!

Much love ♥ Angel

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